




Before Marty Kemp moved into the Governor’s Mansion in Atlanta, 她承认自己并不擅长打理花园. 现在, 她望着郁郁葱葱的绿色草坪, Georgia’s First Lady has the state’s first industry on her mind daily.


“我一直想要一个花园,”她说. “I have tried at home several times but found I can’t even grow tomatoes. Chef Stanley Simon and the mansion staff are educating me about growing vegetables. The guys have asked me what I wanted to put in the garden and this year it included a wide variety of vegetables.”


在地面工作人员的帮助下, 现场的菜园现在可以种黄瓜了, 冬南瓜, 黄色的南瓜, 西兰花, 青椒, 墨西哥胡椒, 青豆, 西红柿和西葫芦.



Recently, Marty offered a kitchen tour and garden stroll along the grounds of the 18-acre property. “人民之家”,这是她经常提到的豪宅, 位于燕尾服公园地区, 在亚特兰大的巴克黑德附近. 这个地方离她的家乡雅典很远, where she attended Clarke Central High School and the University of Georgia. 


她和她的丈夫,乔治亚州州长. 布莱恩·坎普, 他们几乎从小就认识了, 因为他们的家人是亲密的朋友. They met when she was just 2 years old, but didn’t start dating until after college. 一起在户外度过时光, 享受自然和悠闲的生活方式, 这对夫妇发现他们都很喜欢马, 捕鱼和拖拉机.


“That’s really how Brian and I dated,马蒂说 with a laugh.


自从他们25年前结婚以来, 她对农民的爱, animals and the commodities produced in the state has only grown stronger. 同时抚养三个女儿-贾勒特, Lucy and Amy Porter – the Kemps spent a great deal of time at livestock facilities around the state, sharing time with other families who were devoted to raising their own children in the same rustic environment.


“One goal I have is to see more support for the ag industry in Georgia. 农民肩上有很多负担。.


作为第一夫人, Marty certainly has the influence to place a spotlight on agriculture, 她正在尽自己的一份力量来促进这个行业的各个方面. That influence began while on the campaign trail with her husband.


“农业社区对我们的家庭非常重要. 布赖恩是大学毕业生, and our daughter Lucy wants to go into ag science or business and follow in his footsteps, 我觉得这很棒. 我们为她感到骄傲. We have a small business background and definitely connect with the farmers and small business owners,马蒂说. “It’s very important to us to support that and support the state. 在竞选期间走遍了整个州, 我们看到了它的各个方面, 它提醒我们必须支持我们的农民.”



Perhaps it was the roads traveled along the campaign trail that inspired one of the Kemps’ recent agriculture initiatives – a focus on using Georgia-grown trees, shrubs and flowers along Georgia’s roadways and at welcome centers.


“This will ensure that all that all state-funded projects by the Department of Transportation will comply with the standards of the Georgia Grown program,马蒂说 at a news conference announcing the roadways initiative. “从田纳西到佛罗里达,从阿拉巴马到卡罗来纳, people traveling through Georgia will see the true natural beauty of plants and trees locally sourced and native to Georgia.”


The roadways initiative is based on the Georgia Grown program, which is sponsored by the Georgia Department of Agriculture with the goal of helping our “agricultural economies by bringing together producers, 处理器, 供应商, 分销商, 零售商, 农业和消费者于一体的强大, 全国范围内的社区,根据该项目网站.


除了该州的公路成为佐治亚州种植, 马蒂真的把这个想法带回家了.


“Brian campaigned around the fact that agriculture is our largest industry,”她说。. “We are so strong when it comes to pecans, peaches, blueberries ... it just makes sense for the first family to support those products and those producers.”


1月, she hosted a luncheon for legislators’ spouses and announced that the Governor’s Mansion will be Georgia Grown.


“肯普家族是乔治亚州的骄傲, so we are excited to make this brand a central part of our lives at the Governor’s Mansion,她在一份声明中说. “By working with the Department of Agriculture and Commissioner Gary Black, I am confident we can take Georgia Grown to the international stage and keep agriculture the top industry in our state.”


强调与格鲁吉亚农业的联系, she spoke fondly of the relationship the Kemp family has with Gary Black and his wife, 丽迪雅. When 布莱恩·坎普 took the oath of office as Georgia’s 83rd governor, 马蒂开始与布莱克一家密切合作, 并称他们的关系“非常特别”.”


 “丽迪雅 asked me about making the mansion Georgia Grown during the gubernatorial campaign,马蒂说. “我问莉迪亚,‘为什么还没有呢?“我的意思是,这很有道理. I thought the whole mansion should be reflective of Georgia-grown products.”


这就是西蒙大厨的用武之地. While the garden at the Governor’s Mansion was planted in 2013, 自从搬进来, 马蒂与西蒙和大厦的工作人员一起计划, plant and optimize growth of this year’s fruits and vegetables.



当我们到达时, 我和西蒙主厨谈过了, 餐厅主厨, and he did his homework and research on Georgia-grown and Georgia-raised produce. He has actually helped educate all of us on what our state has to offer and how beautiful it is,”她说。.


在所有计划的菜单上, the chef has made a thoughtful effort to request commodities grown in the onsite garden and in the greenhouse – that includes meals for the Kemp family, 以及特殊场合, 比如一月的午宴.


“I wanted to bring Georgia-grown products into the mansion for our family,”她说。, 但最重要的是对所有游客.”


马蒂说 she believes strongly in Chef Simon’s talents and depends on his role, 还有工作人员Kat Satterfield, 协调家庭和官方活动的计划.


“西蒙和他的团队每次都很出色. 他们让我们看起来很好,坎普笑着说, referring to the family’s ag initiatives – and their waist lines.


Kemp requested early in the new administration that the kitchen staff prepare salads for lunch and smaller portions.


我要求他不要提供三道菜或四道菜的饭菜. 我相信我们应该尽可能地为自己的需要而储蓄, 如果我们把娱乐作为国家职能的一部分,”她说。.


She hopes the changes made at the mansion will inspire other Georgians to live Georgia Grown where possible, 随着项目的发展, it will become just one of ways the Kemp administration leaves a positive legacy of ag promotion throughout the state – for current and future generations.


关于创造遗产, 马蒂说, “I hope there are a lot of other things that will be our legacy, but I would love for Georgia Grown at the mansion to be one of them, 绝对.” 

I am from a long line of Farmers that I am very proud of the farm is still in our family very good article thanks