
Agriculture + Lifestyle

Twice as Nice

Posted on September 8, 2021 12:00 AM


科恩·埃克尔斯和科恩·塔尔顿不仅有一个共同的名字. 这两个年轻人都患有唐氏综合症,并爱上了农业. 从与家人共度时光到在家族企业工作, 到养动物,甚至会说一点西班牙语, ag is a means for these youngsters to learn and grow. When Cohen Echols was just a few months old, a therapist told his parents, Drew and Shelly Echols, 他们家的农场是最适合科恩成长的地方. 

“对我来说,当科恩刚出生的时候,我为自己和雪莉感到难过了几个星期,”德鲁说. “作为农民,我们大多数人都希望我们的孩子和我们一起工作,并最终接管. 科恩很可能会一直和我一起在农场工作,我认为这是一件很酷的事情. We joke with friends about them being empty nesters, but we’ll always have him around, and we’re really happy about that.”

Like his older sister Chloe Echols, Cohen often takes part in the family business, Jaemor Farms, a fruit and vegetable operation near Gainesville. 他们的农场占地600英亩,种植桃子、草莓、南瓜和其他蔬菜. 有40多人在农场工作,科恩在其中发挥了重要作用. 

“他喜欢和工人们在一起,和他们说一点西班牙语, and going to our farm market to stock produce. At Christmas, he helps make gift baskets and, in the fall, helps at the ticket booth to our corn maze. He cleans tables, takes out the trash, 最酷的是,即使是那些大多数人认为很卑微的任务, he doesn’t have to be told to do it. 他喜欢打扫卫生,并为此感到自豪,”德鲁说.


尽管13岁的科恩可能需要更长的时间来学习新任务, 德鲁和雪莉从不回避教导他责任.

“很多人一开始就告诉我们,科恩可以做任何他想做的事, although it may take him longer to get there. And we’ve seen that’s pretty much the case. 任何他想学的东西,他都会去学,但他必须更加努力。. “We’ve always had high expectations from him, like learning how to behave, how to not cause a scene, how to sit through church, 或者坐在一起吃晚餐,吃他的食物,不需要别人的帮助. He can function in society. 他在农场学到的所有知识都丰富了他的知识.”

然而,从农业中学习不仅仅局限于农业. Cohen Talton’s passion is showing animals. A true family activity, his parents, Clay and Brittany Talton, both grew up showing animals, and they’ve shared that love with their children, Lola, Cohen and Nora.

“Brittany and I were so familiar with showing, 对我们来说,和孩子们分享这些是很自然的事,” Clay said. “我们知道科恩需要付出很多努力. 我们和他的日常生活有点不同,但这对我们一家人来说很有效. 我们一家人一起练习,一家人一起旅行,一家人一起表演. It’s our thing.”

Living in Monroe County, 每个孩子在很小的时候就开始展示牲畜,以学习责任. 嘲笑他们对科恩早年演出的期望, Brittany said Cohen, now 10, has “blown them out of the water.”

“我们每年都在改变科恩对‘成功’的定义. When he first started, 我们的目标是,他试图站在队伍里,抓住他的山羊,” Brittany said. “It’s amazing how much he’s blossomed. 我们可以看到他信心的明显增强,对自己所做的事情感到自豪.”



“For him to be with all his peers, with all the other third and fourth graders, and in some cases older kids, it’s a good place for him to be in that regard,” Clay said.


“这是一只活生生的动物,它迫不及待地想让你方便地喂养它或照顾它. 照顾一个有生命的东西让人明白,这是一个学习项目,但它也是现实生活. 这就是农民每天要处理的事情,只是为了把食物摆上我们的餐桌。.

Raising animals, like raising crops, is hard work, and there are life lessons to be learned from both.

“在遇到科恩之前,我是一名公立学校的老师,”谢利说. “If kids didn’t grow up around a farm, 他们可能不知道罐子里的桃子实际上长在树上. 我的孩子们知道食物从哪里来,也知道它需要付出什么努力. Lessons in work ethic, 学会永不放弃和亲密的家庭关系是农场家庭所拥有的最好的东西, 我很感激我的孩子能在这样的氛围中长大.”


“有太多的事情使孩子们的注意力从农业上转移开. 我们向他们展示的越多,我们就能给他们机会去体验新生活。. “无论是展示动物还是拥有一个花园,他们都有机会.”

“Children are the next generation. 他们是下一批选民,下一批领导人。. “They’re already big consumers. Everything’s at eye-level for them. 重要的是要教会他们这些东西是如何生长的.”



同样重要的是让孩子们知道,仅仅因为有些孩子是不同的, it doesn’t mean they aren’t just as capable. 塔尔顿夫妇认为,与世界分享科恩的故事可以帮助人们以正常的方式看待患有唐氏综合症的孩子.

去年是科恩最成功的一年,也是他与同龄人竞争最成功的一年,” Brittany said. “When COVID-19 happened, many surrounding states canceled shows, 我们抓住一切机会在任何地方展示. 去年我们遇到了很多不同的人,让很多新人认识到科恩可以做到这一点. 有特殊需要的孩子可以在适当的支持下做到这一点. Cohen has a Facebook and Instagram presence. We’re not trying to detail his whole life, 但如果我们能分享他的日常生活,就能看出他有多典型, 我们认为人们会发现他的相似之处多于不同之处. We always exemplify that he’s just like everyone else. He’s got limitations, but so does everyone.”

The Echols agreed.

“我一直在想我们在COVID-19关闭期间拍摄的视频, of Drew and Cohen riding on the ATV. 德鲁让科恩开了,那个视频得到了很多转发. 科恩脸上的表情,是纯粹的喜悦,”谢利说. “有科恩在我们的生活中,我们都过得更好,每个和他接触过的人都有这种感觉. 有很多农业社区的家庭成员有特殊需要,他们也有同样的感受. A farm is a great way to raise a family period, 尤其是抚养一个有特殊需要的家庭成员.”